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Topic: [Buildings] Blackroot field


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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
Posts: 239
Posted at: 2015-01-01, 18:44

Hello again,

after a break from Widelands I am again working on some graphics. This time on the blackroot field which needs a little love in my opinion.

Here is a screen-shot of it in-game:

One of the old graphics:

How do you like it?

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Posted at: 2015-01-01, 20:44


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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2015-01-02, 11:53

What plant template (picture) do you use?

Some wares of the game aren't realistic but are described with real names. So i was wondering, how a "stone/granite" comes out of a marble mine. "Stone" or "granite" could never be in a marble mine, because the genesis of them is complete different.

In my mind such mistakes shouldn't be in a game, which comes with real existing names of wares and could be played from children.

In case of backroot i found this picture and i am thinking about, of your suggestion look like the real plant. I know, its not possible (or just preferable) do get a realistic counterpart of the real world in the game. But i think it should not be complete different.

Sorry for my crtiticism... your work looks great and i would like to see a more realistic blackroot in widelands face-smile.png

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2015-01-02, 13:14

The graphics are awesome! Glad that you are back in action :).

In my mind such mistakes shouldn't be in a game, which comes with real existing names of wares and could be played from children.

I disagree with this notion very strongly. Widelands is a work of fiction, the names of the tribes and their buildings and wares are chosen to not exist in reality. Since people often come up with the idea of "this does not exist in my language" we are kinda moving away from this, but I find this not a good direction to go.

Same goes for the wares - who knows what kind of physicis are at work in Widelands world. It could easily be that marble is something entirely different in their world. Same goes for the plants - having the same plants than in the real world is just boring.

I reiterate this regularly in the forum, so here I go again: Realism does not make for a good game. +1 for coming up with a plant that looks different to all the others and is beautiful in the game, no matter if it exists or not.

In case of backroot i found this picture and i am thinking about, of your suggestion look like the real plant. I know, its not possible (or just preferable) do get a realistic counterpart of the real world in the game. But i think it should not be complete different.

Blackroot of the atlanteans is a entirely different plant than this. It does not exist in our world. face-smile.png

Sorry for my crtiticism... your work looks great and i would like to see a more realistic blackroot in widelands face-smile.png

-1. Less realism is better IMHO! And the plant looks great!

Edited: 2015-01-02, 13:15

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2015-01-03, 08:55

Aha! That graphic's definitely an improvement.

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Joined: 2009-02-20, 17:05
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Posted at: 2015-01-03, 11:33

Very nice!

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Joined: 2009-03-23, 23:24
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Posted at: 2015-01-03, 17:51

Personally I dont even know what blackroot is, so I presume that there will be players like me who does not know what blackroot should look like.

(yes, I saw the wiki)

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Posted at: 2015-01-04, 22:10

Tibor wrote:

Personally I dont even know what blackroot is, so I presume that there will be players like me who does not know what blackroot should look like.

And you would have a wrong picture of this plant in your mind.

Let me just say: As i am a stonemason i found it very disturbing, that marble, stone and granite is nearly the same in widelands. Too hard differences between game and reality causes wrong conclusions to reality if someone do not know the reality. As stonemason i found it kind of funny, as not knowing someone, i would probably make the wrong conclusion, go to a stonemason and say: "Hello, i picked up some stone in my garden, please make me a marble column" face-grin.png

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2015-01-07, 00:52

I have uploaded the graphics incl. the blend file onto OGA:

I have also tried myself in improving the blackroot menu and idle graphics making the blackroot in the menu pic actually black/dark and using the same style as for the other resource pics:

An improvement?

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Joined: 2009-03-23, 23:24
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Posted at: 2015-01-07, 21:54

why are there two versions of blackroot (black and brown)? Should we pick one of them?

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