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Topic: game crashes when saving options


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Joined: 2010-02-01, 21:30
Posts: 1
Just found this site
Posted at: 2010-02-01, 21:46

I have the problem, that the game crashes, when I want to save the options. (I just start the game, go to options and click save)

When I look into the console I get the following output (after some lines I think are normal):

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'UI::BaseListselect::No_Selection'


my System is: Ubuntu 9.10 with Kernel 2.6.31-18-generic

my widelands is Version: Build14~4601-1~ppa3 (release)

I am not sure, if I have all the correct versions of dependant packages - I am quite new to Linux.

Can someone help me please?

thanks Dunsti

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