This is Widelands Version 1.1~bzr10195-202203012101 (Release) [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Set home directory: /home/kai/.widelands [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Set configuration file: /home/kai/.widelands/config [00:00:00.000 real] WARNING: No locale translations found in /usr/share/games/widelands/data/locale [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: selected language: (system language) [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: using locale de_DE.UTF-8 [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Setting initializer thread. [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Adding directory: /usr/share/games/widelands/data [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: selected language: (system language) [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: using locale de_DE.UTF-8 [00:00:00.007 real] INFO: Byte order: little-endian [00:00:00.349 real] INFO: Graphics: Try to set Videomode 1600x900 [00:00:00.391 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Version "4.6.0 NVIDIA 470.103.01" [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_RED_SIZE is 8 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE is 8 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE is 8 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE is 24 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER is 1 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE is 24 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_STEREO is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL is 1 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION is 2 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION is 1 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE is 0 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Double buffering enabled [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Max texture size: 32768 [00:00:00.392 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: ShadingLanguage: "4.60 NVIDIA" [00:00:00.403 real] INFO: **** GRAPHICS REPORT **** [00:00:00.403 real] INFO: VIDEO DRIVER x11 [00:00:00.403 real] INFO: Display #0: 2560x1080 @ 60hz SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888 [00:00:00.403 real] INFO: **** END GRAPHICS REPORT **** [00:00:00.403 real] INFO: Rebuilding texture atlas [00:00:00.479 real] INFO: **** SOUND REPORT **** [00:00:00.479 real] INFO: SDL version: 2.0.10 [00:00:00.479 real] INFO: SDL_mixer version: 2.0.4 [00:00:00.479 real] INFO: **** END SOUND REPORT **** [00:00:00.505 real] INFO: Style Manager: Reading style templates took 9ms [00:00:00.506 real] INFO: Setting logic thread. [00:00:00.623 real] INFO: Registering the descriptions took 25ms [00:00:00.623 real] INFO: Initializing economy serial [00:00:00.678 real] INFO: lastserial: 0 [00:00:12.482 real] INFO: Registering the descriptions took 30ms [00:00:12.482 real] INFO: Initializing economy serial [00:00:12.517 real] INFO: Registering the descriptions took 25ms [00:00:12.517 real] INFO: Initializing economy serial [00:00:16.424 real] INFO: Registering the descriptions took 28ms [00:00:16.425 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.425 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.425 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.426 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.426 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.426 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.427 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.427 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.427 real] DEBUG: DescriptionManager: Ignoring NoteMapObjectDescription [00:00:16.428 real] INFO: WidelandsMapLoader::load_map_for_render() for 'Castle of Warren' took 4ms