set.lua ------------- This adds a new data type Set. To make this class available include this file at the beginning of a script via: .. code-block:: lua include "scripting/set.lua" .. class:: Set(iteratable) A set is a collection of items. Each item must compare uniquely in the set, otherwise it is discarded; that is a Set never contains the same item more than once. It works with all types that are either unique (strings) or provide a __hash property. :class:`` and :class:`` implement such a property .. attribute:: size (RO) Due to a bug in Lua 5.1, one cannot use the '#' operator to get the number of items in a set. Use this property instead. .. method:: add(item) Add this item to the set .. method:: discard(item) Remove this item from the set. Does nothing if the item is not in the set. .. method:: contains(item) Returns :const:`true` if the item is contained in this set, :const:`false` otherwise .. method:: pop_at(n) Returns the n-th item of this set and removes it. Note that the only way to get to this item is by iterating, so this function scales linearly with n. .. method:: items Iterator function that allows easy iterating of all items. .. code-block:: lua s = Set:new{"a","b","c"} for i in s:items() do print(i) end .. method:: union(other_set) Returns a new set that is the union of both sets. This is also overloaded to the '+' operator .. method:: subtract(other_set) Returns a new set that contains all values of this set that are not in other_set. This is also overloaded to the '-' operator. .. method:: intersection(other_set) Returns a new set that contains all values of this set that are also in other_set. This is also overloaded to the '*' operator.